Monday, September 3, 2012

Math Games

Math games are a great way to practice skills and develop problem solving strategies.  Your child will be learning math games at school that you can play together at home.  Two of the first graders in Mrs. McHenry's class helped put together this tutorial for a game they named "Roll the Die."  This is a great game to play at home with a sibling, parent, neighbor, or friend to practice counting and comparing numbers.  Have fun!

1. Start with 20 counters and one die.  You
can use pennies, Cheerios, or anything else
you can find around the house as counters.
Decide who will roll first.
2. Roll the die and count the number of
dots.  Take the same number of
counters as the number you rolled
 on the die. 
3. Now it's the next person's turn!  Roll
 the die and take the same number of
counters as the number you rolled
on the die.

5. Take turns until all the counters are gone.  If there are
 not enough counters left on the last turn, take all the
 counters that are left.

6. When all the counters have been taken, count the number
of counters both partners have.  Who has more?  The
person with the most counters wins!

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